Jabatan Pemerintahan Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Jabatan Penting dalam pemerintahan di Indonesia yang mesti diingat.

Bahasa Ind Arti
President President
Wakil President Vice President
Ketua MPR Chairman of the Assembly
Wakil Ketua MPR Vice Chairman of Assembly
Duta Besar Ambassador
Ketua DPR Chairman of House of Representatives
Mahkamah Agung Supreme court
BPK Supreme Audit Institutions
KPK Corruption Watch
Kepala Polisi Chief of Polisi
Polisi Police
TNI AU  Air force
Jendral General
Gubernur Governor
Wakil Gubernur Vice Governor
Bupati Regent
Wakil Bupati Vice Regent
Wali Kota Mayor
Wakil Wakil kota Vice Mayor
Camat Camat, Head distric
Kepala Dinas Departemen Head
PNS Public servent

Translate this sentences bellow

President of Indonesia is Joko Widodo

The best Governor in Indonesia is Basuki Purnama Tjandra (Ahok).

Public Servant salary is taken from citizens tax

The Chairman of Supreme Audit Institutions was not good person

The chairman of House of Representatives was Setia Novanto

Mayor and Regent have the same level 

He is a Department Head of Tourism

Answer this question bellow

 What is the meaning of Mayor?

Do you have any family works in Government Department?

Do we need the police?

What is the difference between Army and Navy?

Should the Public Servant Corrupt?

Who elected the Ambassador?

Do you think Corruption Watch never corrupt?

Jonny Richards

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