Contoh Percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris

Conversation (Dare to practice)

Baca dengan suara keras percapakan dibawah ini. Kemudian terjemahkan lah kedalam bahasa indonesia.

On the street
Tourist             :  Good morning?
Official            : Morning
Tourist             : Can you speak English?
Official            : Yes a bit / a little
Tourist             : Good, Can you tell me where’s Tanjung Pinang?
Official            : Yes, Just Straight away from here. Around 11 Km from here you will find a cross-road, keep straight.
Tourist             : Then?
Official            : Just follow the main-roads.
Tourist             : So, How far Tanjung Pinang From here?
 Official           : Is it about / around 15 Km, you already enter the City (Tanjung Pinang).
Tourist             : Is it easy to going there?
Official            : Absolutely “Yes”.
Tourist             : How can I recognize the roads?
Official            : The Main road is going direct to the place. And as I said “15 km from here is the entrance of the place”. By the way, may I know where you want to going to Sir/Miss?
Tourist             : Actually, I am gonna (going to) the Ship Harbor (Ferry terminal). Is it far from here?
Official            : The harbor around 25 Km from here. I think, would be better once you enter the city. Please try to ask somebody the harbor direction. Even though, the direction by following this road only. Just for make sure that you are in the right way.
Tourist             : Oh, I see. Thank you.
Official            : Welcome / You are welcome. Okay. Up’s, sorry, do you have a driver’s licenses?
Tourist             : Yap, I have it with me now.
Official            : Okay, good. Please drive slowly. And always ride from the left side.
Tourist             : Sure, Thanks.

Easy going person

Jonny Richards

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