Cara menggunakan to be (Part 3)

Subject To be Verb (v1) V1 + Ing Object/Pelengkap When?
I am work ing on the Project Right now, now
She  is  Work ing on the Project Right now, now
He  Is  work ing on the Project Right now, now
It is  work ing on the Project Right now, now
We are work ing on the Project Right now, now
They are work ing on the Project Right now, now
You are work ing on the Project Right now, now
* Kata kerja dalam bentuk "ing" adalah hukumnya wajib mamakai to be
"ing" dalam kata kerja bisa diartikan "sedang"
Contoh :
We are studying about the subject now
You are listening to me now
She is pulling the door now
It is fighting the cat now
The are waitting for you

Jika anda ingin kami mengeroksi hasil kerja anda, kirim melalui halaman komentar dibawah.
Jonny Richards

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